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MBI Seals

The modular industry's program dedicated to eliminating barriers to industry growth.

Support Our Efforts to Grow & Protect the Industry

MBI's focus is to identify, reduce, and remove barriers while capitalizing on opportunities in key markets.

In recent years, these funds have been used to help defeat the expansion of the Davis-Bacon Act into modular factories, develop new industry standards in the U.S. and Canada, create new modular-friendly building code language, and to defeat anti-industry legislation and regulations at numerous state, provincial, and federal levels.

We are asking all MBI members support this effort. Manufacturers can purchase one $20 MBI Seal for each new module constructed, while all other companies can make a donation in any amount and elect whether or not to receive an equivalent number of Seals.

Learn More About Government Affairs

Some of the most important work we do involves removing legislative barriers, helping to create industry-friendly codes and regulations, and connecting our members with the governmental agencies that govern their activities.

Learn more about our ongoing efforts here.

Government Affairs Articles

Go beyond our regular updates with these exclusive, in-depth articles detailing MBI's government affairs efforts and the impacts they're having on MBI members and the modular construction industry at-large.

This action item, presented at the SGC’s October 2023 meeting, details the SGC’s “Resolution to support energy-efficient factory-built housing to meet the State’s climate, housing and equity goals” and identifies its next steps to help fund further development of factory-built housing.

Building at the Intersection of Housing Affordability & Energy Conversation

Tasked with looking at how the state of California can best house its growing population while meeting its aggressive energy, housing, transportation, land use, and equity goals, the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) faces a slew of challenges. But, if the outlook of SGC Executive Director Lynn von Koch-Liebert is any indication, it’s only a matter of time before those challenges are successfully met.

US Department of Labor

MBI Defeats Davis-Bacon Expansion

The Modular Building Institute, with the support of its members, has defeated the US. Dept. of Labor’s Davos-Bacon Act expansion, and the stakes for the modular construction industry could not have been higher.

MBI and member company executives brief Congress about the negative impacts of the Davis-Bacon Act expansion

MBI Delegation Briefs Congressional Staff on the Negative Impacts of the Davis-Bacon Act Expansion

On a recent call with the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), several MBI members provided testimony about the potential impact expanding the Davis-Bacon Act would have on their company and the industry.