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Guadalupe Emergency Interim Housing

Company: Guerdon, LLC
Affiliates: Lowney Architecture, Visser Engineering, Devcon Construction
San Jose, CA, USA
Gross Size of Project:
21,151 Square Feet
Days to Complete:

Award Criteria

Architectural Excellence

The Guadalupe Emergency Interim Housing emphasizes modular as a timely, innovative solution for relocatable transitional housing. Temporarily erected on a former San Jose Police Department parking lot, the layout incorporates 25 prefabricated structures, 96 individual rooms including private bathrooms designed for homeless individuals. The shared amenities include a communal kitchen, laundry facilities, bathrooms, outdoor spaces, and security provisions. Its exterior appearance is functional yet thoughtful, emphasizing security and community engagement. The buildings' relationship to the surroundings focuses on providing a safe haven within the urban landscape, promoting a sense of security and dignity for residents. The project's configurations of modules enabled a quick construction process that addresses the pressing need for emergency housing while upholding excellence in visual quality and a rationale based on meeting urgent housing demands.

Technical Innovation & Sustainability

The Guadalupe Emergency Interim Housing project stands as a beacon of technical innovation in utilizing offsite construction for rapid deployment of transitional housing. Prefabricated structures allowed for a quick build significantly reducing construction time and costs, approximately 1/4th the expenses of traditional apartments. This innovative approach optimizes resources and offers a model for addressing urgent housing needs efficiently. Moreover, the project embodies sustainability by repurposing an underutilized space and offering services and resources within a compact area, minimizing the environmental footprint. The collaborative effort funded by a combination of federal, local, and community-driven initiatives underscores a sustainable funding model for addressing homelessness while ensuring the project's long-term viability.

Cost Effectiveness

The Guadalupe Emergency Interim Housing project exemplifies cost-effectiveness through innovative construction methods and strategic partnerships. The utilization of prefabricated units, donated by the SHP Foundation, significantly reduced development costs, showcasing an innovative solution to lower expenses associated with traditional housing. The project's funding model, including contributions from federal American Rescue Plan funds, City of San Jose Housing Department funds, and community partners like Destination: Home and Housing Trust Silicon Valley, illustrates a collaborative and cost-effective approach to address homelessness. By leveraging diverse funding sources and partnerships, the project maximizes resources and aims to ensure the efficient utilization of every dollar invested, offering a sustainable solution to provide temporary housing for homeless individuals in the San Jose area.

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