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Initial MBI European Council Meeting a Success

About 25 modular industry representatives attended MBI’s first in-person European Council Meeting. The meeting was held at the Technical University of Munich in Germany, with Professor Thomas Bock serving as host. Professor Bock is the Chair of the University’s Building Construction and Robotic Department.


MBI’s Board of Directors created the European Council to gain further input and engagement from the modular industry in Europe. One participant stated, “My sense is that the industry in Europe is both nascent and fragmented, and that there’s a great opportunity for MBI to become the umbrella organization for the continent and to facilitate collaboration and learning initiatives between like-minded firms across Europe and between Europe and the US.”


The meeting featured six speaker presentations followed by a tour of the University’s robotics laboratory as well as an opportunity for the attendees to network with one another. According to MBI’s Business Development Director Dave Sikora, “the meeting was a great opportunity to get feedback from members and prospective members of MBI as to how the association can best serve the needs of the industry in Europe. We are looking forward to working with this council to help grow the industry in this region.”


If your company has business interests in Europe and you want more information about this council, contact MBI at and visit the European Council page. 


This article originally appeared in the Modular Advantage Magazine - Fourth Quarter 2018 released in November 2018.